If you haven’t yet tuned into Beauty Now, it’s time! Dr. Nicolas Perricone, known for his eponymous anti-aging brand, will be joining host Teri Struck for three special-edition podcasts. The topic: The Intersection of Cosmetic Surgery, Longevity and Bio-Medical Innovation.
And starting today, DailyBeauty readers get special early access to all three shows!
To hear Episode 1: Salmon, Anti-Inflammatory Superfood, Low Carb Diet Eating Plan, Weight Loss, and Anti-Aging, CLICK HERE!
To hear Episode 2: 3 Day Diet, Anti Wrinkle & Wrinkle Cure Book, Facelift in the Fridge, Stress-Reduction and Anti-Aging, Look Ten Years Younger, CLICK HERE!
To hear Episode 3: Promise and Prescription, Vitamins, Skin Care, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Neuropeptide and DMAE, CLICK HERE!